
Written, By Abir Baijal Lahoty

Fun Facts about Planes!

Planes are fascinating machines with many intriguing features :

Seats : Some planes have different types of seats ranging from cheap to very expensive. There are the cheapest seats which is economy, then some airlines have premium economy, then business class and finally first class

Speed : Commercial jets cruise at about 575 mph, roughly 75% of the speed of sound.

Lightning Strikes : Each plane is struck by lightning approximately once a year, yet they are designed to safely handle it.

Cabin Air : About 40% of cabin air is filtered through HEPA systems, ensuring clean air for passengers.

Boeing 747 Parts : A Boeing 747 contains around six million parts, highlighting the complexity of aircraft engineering.

Oxygen Masks : The oxygen masks provide only 12-15 minutes of oxygen, sufficient for pilots to descend to safer altitudes.

Longest Flight : The longest non-stop commercial flight is operated by Singapore Airlines, covering about 9,500 miles in nearly 19 hours .

Airplane Tires : Designed to withstand speeds up to 170 mph, airplane tires can endure over 500 landings before needing replacement .

Emergency Evacuation : It takes just 90 seconds for a fire to spread through a plane, emphasizing the importance of knowing emergency exits.